Many research studies demonstrate that major process losses of precious metals are in fine and fine-dispersed grain size classes, plate and flake heavy particles carried over to tailings in gravity separation. The amount of these losses is also generally known: in ore processing tailings they reach 30% and in alluvial deposits waste – up to 50% of head grade. Losses in the process of extracting precious metals from nonconventional raw materails: waste of pyrometallurgical melting of placer concentrate and of refining and jewelry production, electronic scrap, etc., are also high. The causes of these losses are also known but attempts to control them are not effective enough in practice. At gold ore concentration plants, conventional ore preparation technique does not provide selective ore release, so ore is ground with gold particles it contains, turning them into flat particles that are extremely difficult to extract.
Currently there is a general trend towards alluvial deposits depletion and gold-mining cost-effectiveness is primarily achieved by increased amount of rock mass processed, which in turn leads to excessive load on equipment sluices and to uncontrolled changes in pulp density. Due to all these factors, precious metals losses are still more increased. The resource potential of gold-containing industrial waste in Russia is evaluated at 500 tonnes, which constitutes 55-60% of total amount of gold mined in the country. It is now estimated that industrial waste can compete with new deposits currently discovered, in gold content and reserves. In this context, the development of effective technical means and technologies of extracting such gold from original raw material and derived products is the most sought-after solution of the above-mentioned problem.
At present the “Pugachev and Partners” efforts are mostly directed at the development and manufacturing of new types of advanced industrial centrafugal oscillation concentrators (batch or continuously operated). This equipment is able to provide mining and geological enterprises with advanced means of evaluation of deposits being explored, of complete extraction of fine and fine-dispersed gold from industrial tailings and of processing low-grade gravity concentrate in extraction of fine and fine-disperesed gold from products of finishing process stage at placer gold-concentrating sites.
Our product line is not large. Our slogan is “Russian technologies are the best”. Therefore, we produce exclusively equipment that in its technological and economic performance exceeds the best Russian and foreign analogues: IVP vibration grinders and CVKP centrifugal-vibration concentrators based on segregation process.
For over 20 years our vibration grinders were leaders in the category of equipment for fine grinding of laboratory samples. Since 2011 our company launched production of first industrial concentrators for fine, finely-dispersed and dust gold of the CVKP series with a brand new structural design protected by the RF Patent for Invention, which offers new prospects and provides us considerable advantages in comparison with prominent competitors.